
Black knights code geass
Black knights code geass

black knights code geass black knights code geass

It still is pretty stupid that Schneizel and his forces would be on the ship when they went to talk to Lelouch or that they would even agree to talk to him after he dropped a atomic bomb on top of a city. The Compilation Movies reduce the idiocy, pushing it so they ended up with no choice but to be with Schneizel after he drives off Lelouch. Even considering the SAZ Massacre, it's rather dumb for them to believe the enemy over the guy who lead them to such successes.

black knights code geass

Idiot Ball: All of them grab it when it comes to Schneizel convincing them Lelouch as Zero is actually The Sociopath with mind control powers who does everything For the Evulz.Hero with Bad Publicity: Heroes to the Japanese and all other non-Britannia nations, terrorists to Britannia.Good Is Not Nice: While they might not be as evil as Britannia they aren't completely innocent rebels.Face–Heel Turn: With the betrayal in Turn 19.Minami gets The Cameo acting as a bodyguard to Kaguya, Jiang Lihua, and Margaret Walpole, while Rakshata is shown overseeing her apprentices and alongside Schneizel and Kanon, and the representatives negotiating with Zilkistan consist of Tohdoh, Chiba, Xianglin, Hong Gu, and Gino. Instead, the only notable members of the Black Knights are the relative newcomers Cornelia and Guilford. Demoted to Extra: Most of the pre-existing members before the Kowa Era are absent or left with a reduced role during Lelouch of the Re surrection, with only Ohgi and Tamaki present.

black knights code geass

  • Dark Is Not Evil: The Black Knights are among the heroes of the story, hence "knight".
  • When Lelouch becomes Emperor of Britannia, they hardly stand a chance against him. Should Lelouch be unavailable for any reason, be it due to injuries or being elsewhere at a given time, they fold like a house of cards.
  • Decapitated Army: The Black Knights are able to handily defeat forces that are better armed, equipped, and trained than them, but only through the direction of Lelouch-as-Zero.
  • Ironically, it was only when Lelouch came along that they softened. You could argue that they were, originally at least, more unscrupulous heroes, given that it's implied that, like other resistance groups, they weren't too picky about endangering civilians (at least, not Britannian civilians) originally.
  • Anti-Hero Team: They are usually not as extreme as Lelouch, but continue to use terrorism.
  • During the Kowa Era, the Britannian Military is largely consolidated into the group, with Cornelia, Guilford, and Gino all becoming official members.
  • The Alliance: The Black Knights is made up of former Japanese factions (Resistance, Japan Liberation Front, Kyoto House), as well as various members who were unaffiliated.

  • Black knights code geass